No more "Muffy" for awhile, people. In case you missed it, "Muffy" is a bran muffin in a coffee mug. Amazing. However, we shall retire it for awhile because:
1) I ran out of batter and don't want to buy more ingredients.
2) It sticks to your hips. And if you ask me, concern for the size of your hips greatly outweighs the amazing-ness that is "Muffy"
We took pictures of our house last night so you all can see where I live, and now I am at a coffee shop where the Internet runs freely as long as you buy a I thought I would take this opportunity to post some of those pictures. But no....I forgot the memory card at home. Lame, I know.
So, honeymoon pics will have to suffice. We ate a lot of good food on our honeymoon, and each day we allowed ourselves one "treat". My favorite "treat" was a caramel apple that also was dipped in chocolate. Pretty sinful, if you ask me. But it was amazing, and I will show it to you now:
And that, my friends and family, is one of the highlights of the honeymoon--except of course all the mushy gushy stuff you're supposed to do on your honeymoon. So!
You want to see more from the honeymoon? Okay!
Daniel made steak one night. It was really good.
There are other pictures of me making the dessert, but I am still in my pajamas, so I will not post them here. Rest assured, however, that the dessert was really good.
I suppose I could show you all the things you're supposed to show people from your honeymoon--like the "amazing view from our cabin" and "all the sight-seeing we did" or things like that, but I think caramel apples and Daniel cooking steak is much more fun.
Hopefully I will not forget my memory card next time, because I know you people just want to see my house. I will post the amazing pictures of the view from our deck and the woods and all of that. I promise. Just give me a little more time.
Chocolate makes the world go 'round,
old married woman advice/tip: having s** will also add a little bit to yours hips and you can't change that so don't worry if you are a little different shaped once married... just so you know it might not be only the muffins (plus isn't bran supposed to be healthy?).
Also, crazy that I ALWAYS eat a crazy kind of caramel apple when I go to Colorado (or atleast I did on family vaca every year!)
When I saw the pic of the apple, my stomach actually growled! Which reminds me...I need to go cook supper.
Oh robyn I'm glad you posted... there is a girl that just joined our community group from church that is named Sloane...weird and talks JUST LIKE ROBYN!!! It was just like being back in west texas!
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