Daniel and I were driving into camp early this morning and I said "It's our 3 month anniversary!" and we shared that special moment together in the car. And then I kind of ruined it a bit by saying "Man, sometimes it feels like so much longer!" He said, "well thanks!"
I really didn't mean it the way it sounded--I meant that it feels like I've known him my whole life, and a year and a half really isn't that long to have known someone, and 3 months of marriage is only like, what, a 1/4 of a year?
So, Daniel and I have been married 3 glorious and seemingly VERY SHORT months :). We aren't going to be crazy about the anniversaries...I just like to acknowledge every '29th', because when February rolls around, our day's going to be skipped for the next 3 years. Which, as most of you know, is not a problem for us because it just means we'll celebrate on both Feb. 28th AND March 1!
In other news, this morning I have been putting together my resume. The last time I had to put one together was approximately 2 years ago, and it was in definite need of an update. Some questions that have been posed in my brain about it are:
What activities from college do I keep on my resume? Which of the organizations I was in still provide me with impressive resume additions, and which ones make me look like an entry-level college graduate? My guess is I should definitely take "Fish Camp Counselor" off the list...I live in Silicon Valley now, people. I'm thinking that anything with "Fish" and "Camp" will not impress the execs at Google...
I think I'm also going to re-format the whole thing and not just do a chronological "education, work experience, skills and abilities" resume. I will spice it up a bit. I'm not quite sure how, but I will, mind you!
That about covers today. Other things going on at camp include:
There has been a group of intravarsity college students here for the last week doing some sort of week-retreat thing. What that means for those of us who live year-round is...3 free meals a day every day for a solid week! That is a major plus for the grocery budget, and the camp food here is healthy, good-for-you stuff. Well, minus the buddy bars (huge, thick peanut butter bars covered in a layer of chocolate frosting) and the chocolate chip oatmeal coconut cookies that rank among the top desserts in LIFE. Not kidding. So it's been a really good food week.
OH! But, in other news...Daniel and I have decided that we're going to make a pretty major life/health change. Starting June 13th (my birthday), we are going to cut out all refined sugar for an entire year.
pick your jaws up off the floor. It's true!
Those of you who know me know that I have an extremely sensitive sweet tooth. I love anything chocolate, cookies, brownies, dessert, ice cream, goodness, etc....and of course yummy things like cinnamon rolls and things of the like. I do think all of those things are fine and good in moderation...which is my problem. I think I could LIVE on dessert and dessert alone if it wasn't so bad for me. And I've found that I am an emotional eater--I eat junk when I'm stressed, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm bored, all of the above. I want to take that emotional eating and channel those emotions into something better for me!
Daniel and I are going to do this together--we just want to create a healthier lifestyle for ourselves, and we are excited about the discipline that cutting out sweets for an entire year is going to take...and we know the challenge will not be easy, especially in the first months.
So, don't be upset when I turn down your cookies, don't order dessert with you when we're out eating, and don't try to force it down my throat--it's not gonna happen :)
Don't feel like I'm telling you that you need to cut out all dessert from your diet. I think dessert is the best! But I am recognizing I need to focus on putting good things in my body, and I also recognize this is not for everyone!
All in all, what Daniel and I will need from you is encouragement. Please don't say "what? you're crazy! You can't do that!" or "why? you're not fat! that's stupid" or anything along those lines. But, feel free to eat dessert in front of us....just because we're cutting out doesn't mean you have to!
We also recognize that we'll go a whole holiday season with no junk. And that is okay with us.
And we are starting AFTER my birthday. I will eat cake. Probably a lot.
love love,
7 years ago
I definitely need you to send me a care package of those chocolate chip oatmeal coconut cookies! I will eat your share of sweets effective June 13th. :)
no sweets?! thats awesome!! i wish the best for both of you (but more for you and that sweet tooth) i pray you little tooth enjoys fruit!! :) love you guys!!
You can send robyn the cookies and me those peanut butter bars... they sound right up my alley! So what kind of sugars are not refined? like fruits??
Have you had an izzy drink? Well, this my help you in the harder moments of this fast... they are WONDERFUL fizzy juice drinks that actually count as a serving of fruit and I think that they don't have any added sugar! The grapefruit it my fave but pomegranite and blackberry are up there too!! We get them at whole foods, whichs makes me think Cali must have them too! love ya
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